Sut y daeth Fforwm Hanes Cymru i fod a beth yw ei swyddogaeth? |
How did the History Forum for Wales come about and what is its function? |
Sefydlwyd y Fforwm mewn cyfarfod cyhoeddus a gynhaliwyd ar ddydd Mawrth 3 Awst 1999, ym Mhabell y Cymdeithasau ar faes Prifwyl Môn. Roedd hynny mewn ymateb i alwad gan gynrychiolwyr nifer o Gymdeithasau Hanesyddol ac Ymddiriedolaethau Treftadaeth oedd yn bresennol, am un sefydliad i gysylltu ynghyd y gwahanol gymdeithasau yng Nghymru sydd yn ymwneud â'i hanes a'i threftadaeth. Ystyrir y Fforwm felly fel corff sy’n gweithredu fel ambárel dros y cymdeithasau hynny sydd wedi ymuno â'r Fforwm ac yn gyfrwng I rannu gwybodaeth am weithgareddau gaiff eu cynnal ganddynt. |
The Forum was inaugurated in a public meeting held on Tuesday 3 August 1999, in the Societies Tent on the Môn National Eisteddfod field, in response to a call by a number of representatives of Historical Societies and Heritage Trusts present to have one institution that could bring together the different societies in Wales that were involved with its history and heritage. The Forum is therefore looked upon as a body which operates as an umbrella over those societies that have joined up to it and a medium by which they can share information about the kind of activities that they do. |
Beth mae'r Fforwm wedi ei wneud ers ei sefydlu? |
What has the Forum managed to do since its inception? |
Ers ei sefydlu yn 1999, mae'r Fforwm wedi cynnig cyfle: - i wahanol gymdeithasau hanesyddol, ymddiriedolaethau treftadaeth ac archaeolegol sydd â chysylltiadau Cymreig, i anfon cynrychiolydd i bwyllgorau er mwyn trafod a rhannu gwybodaeth am y gwahanol weithgareddau gaiff eu cynnal ganddynt. - i'r aelodau rannu uned arddangos ar Faes yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol er hybu gwybodaeth am, a hyrwyddo eu gweithgareddau. - i'r aelodau osod stondin mewn arddangosfa yn Amgueddfa Sain Ffagan fel rhan o’i gweithgareddau Calan Mai. |
Since its inception in 1999, the Forum offered an opportunity: - for Welsh interest historical societies, heritage and archaeological trusts affiliated to it, to send a representative to the committee meetings held to discuss matters and share information about the different activities carried out by them. - for members to share a space for exhibiting information about themselves and their activities in an unit on the National Eisteddfod field. - for members to put up a stand at the exhibition in St. Fagan Museum as part of its May Day activities. |